Adaptation to Social Life Activities

Support and guidance services are carried out during the recruitment process and adaptation to the society process of young people leaving social service models as an adult. Activities for young people related to the guidance, counseling and monitoring services, employment in the public and private sectors, their adaptation to the business life and the elimination of problems they may encounter in working life are carried out so that our young people can sustain their lives in the best way after care. Shelter assistance, socio-economic support services for young people in need and activities by post-care guidance units to provide support and role models in human relations are being conducted.

Social and Economic Support Service for Children Leaving Social Service Models: Our young people leaving the institution  as adults while under protection and care, who do not benefit from the right to employment, benefit from the Social and Economic Support Service.

In addition, sheltering and other compulsory needs of our young people, who leave the institution, are met by Social Assistance and Solidarity Foundation until they are employed in a job subject to long-term insurance branches (If they request).