28 December 2023, Thursday Ankara, TÜRKİYE

Minister Mahinur Özdemir Göktaş: "With Ulusal Vefa Programı, the Ministry has met the fundamental needs of 127.720 older persons and citizens with disabilities this year"

Minister of Family and Social Services Mahinur Özdemir Göktaş announced that the fundamental and essential needs of 127,720 older persons and persons with disabilities were met this year through Ulusal Vefa Programı.

Minister Göktaş stated that with Ulusal Vefa Programı, the Ministry did not leave older persons, persons with disabilities and citizens with severe chronic diseases in need, unable to meet their fundamental needs and unable to fulfill their own self-care, alone.

Noting that 7.062 personnel were carrying out Ulusal Vefa Programı, Minister Göktaş said: "With Ulusal Vefa Programı, the Ministry has met the fundamental and essential needs of 127.720 older persons and persons with disabilities at home this year. The teams have regularly visited the households of citizens and provided them with household check ups and personal care. In this direction, the Ministry has transferred a total of 1.6 billion TL of resources to Social Assistance and Solidarity Foundations just this year, including at certain periods for support that has been transformed into a national program and implemented throughout the country."

Minister Göktaş stated that the priority order within the scope of Ulusal Vefa Programı was for citizens in need and explained the details as follows: "With the vision of the Century of Türkiye, the Ministry acts with the understanding of a society leaving no one behind. Therefore, we meet the essential needs of older persons and persons with disabilities with the national project titled "Ulusal Vefa Programı" the Ministry meets the needs of persons in their own households where persons over the age of 60 cannot provide their essential and fundamental needs in terms of household and personal care and where persons with disabilities with a disability report of 40% or more live."


Stating that the social service activities were carried out in a way to meet the needs of each citizen, Minister Göktaş said: "We are ready to offer all kinds of support to persons with disabilities and older citizens. Therefore, the Ministry will continue to develop social service models in line with needs and demands.”